Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Treadmill daydreams

Exciting exercise news: plans to be at the gym at 6 am every day for 2 weeks. Isn't that a thrill? I've made it 3 days so far, and there's something spectacular about having worked out, walked the dogs, eaten breakfast, and gotten in an hour of writing by 9:30 am! Also, I get great ideas on the treadmill. I'm a daydreamer, yes, and sometimes I let my daydreams drift aimlessly, and other times I focus them like a camera lens. "Focused daydreaming." My best places for this are on the treadmill and in the shower. In the past few workouts the plot of my novel-in-progress has come together like interlacing fingers, all thanks to the monotony of running on a band of rubber. So, I reason that instead of spending the first hour of my day blinking sleepily and drinking coffee, expecting my brain to work at 6 am, I will exercise first and warm up my brain in the process. A new routine! I also recommend focused daydreaming to other creative souls -- it sometimes takes a little training, to keep your mind on the task at hand, but it's just another way to squeeze some more time out of the day!

I met the amazing Anahata for lunch yesterday at the Blossoming Lotus Cafe. It was such a treat to see her in person again! We met three years ago at the National Stationery Show in New York, where she had a booth for her company Papaya, and I was walking around looking for potential licensees (this was when I met Bottman, the company that licenses my Laini's Ladies art). Ever since as I have seen Anahata's gorgeous greeting cards in more and more places, and seen them get more sophisticated and beautiful, I've been cheering her on. And then, recently, I got an email that she had started a blog! And I discovered she lived in Oregon now! So, after three years we actually got to have lunch together and see where our art/business paths have led us each. Different routes, but both good.

Writing room news: The new walls are done and the room is painted! I chose the Behr color "Lipstick" and I LOVE it. In some light it is a rich red-orange; other times it is more coral, sometimes the shade of the flush of red on a mango, sometimes the glowing ruby of a pomegranate seed. A few more steps before the furniture is ready to move in. Can't wait! Ooh, also: I got new glasses finally, my first in 10 years, and let me tell you, glasses frames have CHANGED in 10 years. They're all small and cool and beatnikky now, and they make me feel clever and sly (Isn't "sly" a good word?), like the girl sitting in the corner at the library thinking mysterious things.


Jim Di Bartolo said...

Hey Sweets :)

LOVE the new glasses and I can't believe you didn't zip out and pick them up when they called and said they'd arrived (!!!???!!! :) They do indeed make you look clever. Or cleverer.

Husbles Jim

Anonymous said...

Focused daydreaming on the treadmill? Not for me. I can't think and sweat at the same time. Too much multi-tasking. But I do like to take hour showers.

Alex S said...

You ARE the weird girl in the corner thinking mysterious things! Now don't forget about your postscript! I've just left the gym and am at Kinko's to use their fax machine, feeling very, very proud of myself! I was even there at 5:50 (though it felt like two hours by the time you guys arrived!)And it IS so nice to have the whole day ahead of me so early-yay us!

Kim G. said...

Good for you and Alexandra - just read about your new fitness routine on her blog as well. Very motivating! And the focused daydreaming - another wonderful benefit.

Can't wait to see the writing room! Please post some pictures when it's done.

Deirdre said...

I always used to feel guilty about daydreaming (sometimes I still do), but I've found it takes me to wonderfully creative places. Isn't that where magic starts? The treadmill isn't a good place for me to indulge though - I'm afraid I'd fall off. The shower is great for daydreaming.

Your wall color sounds gorgeous. And I love your descriptions of it. Rich, saturated colors have such a sensuality about them - perfect for an act of creation.

Anonymous said...

Love the new banner! And here's to cool new frames. ;)

Darlene said...

Oh how I love to daydream...Oh how much trouble I got into at school for daydreaming ;)

Lipstick! I just love the name of it! and can't wait to see the finished room. Knowing you...it will look smashing!

x darlene

Amber said...

Okay, "Focused Daydreaming" would be a GREAT name for a blog, don't you think?! LOL

I write in my head the whole time I work out! My trouble is, I never seem to get it down on paper once I get home. :( I have to MAKE myself make that time. That is my goal.


Kristy said...

Some of my best days are when I exercise early in the morning. Used to be, I could get out for a spin class at 5:30...A.M.! Those days are long gone, but a walk early in the morning still does wonders, especially if it is "sans kids".

Sad thing is, I've done a reasonable approximation of what you've described prior to 9:30 for years now. I don't necessarily find it refreshing. I find it kinda depressing (hee). Now, waking UP at 9:30?! THAT'S refreshing!

January said...

Wish I could get motivated to work out, so I admire anyone who does. But it looks like you're getting a lot done in the a.m. Very cool.

Colorsonmymind said...

Yipee! That is terrific...aren't the endorphins amazing?

Susannah Conway said...

i love the idea of focussed daydreaming - i'm going to give it a try today... and lipstick walls? oh my, love, you've got to post some photos for us! how delicious...

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

andrea said...

How's the early-morning exercise going? I'm a morning exercise person, too, but I still need that blinky hour unless I have no choice. Today it's the A/C gym because it's too %$#$! hot to run here, even at 7 a.m.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

can't wait to see the room! it sounds more and more divine each time i hear a little more.

and the glasses! can't wait to see those too!

bravo on the exercise routine! and getting all that done by 9:30...to have your energy my friend...how i wish i did!

kelly rae said...

pictures of that gorgeous room, asap! (please)

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great site here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a exercise equipment treadmill site. It pretty much covers ##KEYWORD## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, you have a great site here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a cheap treadmill site. It pretty much covers ##KEYWORD## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)