Darklis and Maximoff rarely argued anymore. Their colleagues said they had exhausted all possible topics of controversy when they were newlyweds and could be heard late into the night, night after night, at whatever wigwam, yurt, or igloo was their home for the season. Darklis had a contralto voice and Maximoff was a bass, so their passionate discussions had never been shrill, just a low background noise the other scientists grew accustomed to, like crickets or swamp frogs in the night. They had talked about everything. Djinn, mummies, Krakatoa, the Upanishads and the Shahnameh, the virtues of boomslang venom versus cone snails, the crushing force of an eagle owl’s talons, the death rites of Zoroastrians, and the proper pronunciation of the name of a banshee they had met in an Irish cemetery on their honeymoon.
They were the only couple anyone knew who had honeymooned in a cemetery.
Now, 35 years on, Darklis and Maximoff Kalderash had mapped the alleys of each others minds so well they had only to meet eyes, hers so dark they seemed pupilless, his pale pond green, to seem to have a whole discussion without words. Their children found it unnerving, as if, in some pyramid or chasm somewhere on their travels, their parents had discovered an instruction manual for telepathy and kept it to themselves.It was rather a relief to hear them arguing now.
“Firecrackers? Are you telling me firecrackers express something fundamental about humanity?” said Darklis.
“Absolutely," Maximoff replied. "What’s more human than the desire to blow things up?”
“I wish you were joking.”
“I wish I was, too, but look at the world. And as we can’t very well bring bombs to Andrash, we may as well bring fireworks.”
“NASA will never allow it, anyway, Max. Nothing combustible, remember? You can find some other way to teach the natives about war. Or,” Darklis smiled mischievously at her husband, “we can just edit that out.”
He laughed. “You want to teach human history to an alien race and edit out the bits about war? Have fun, darling. I’d like to see the history books after you’ve been through them with a censor’s marker.”
“There wouldn’t be much left, would there?”
Maximoff laughed. “A little art, some agriculture... couldn’t get near religion...”
They started to laugh and got the giggles, thinking of the slender volume of history they could present if they were to avoid any mention of the wars that had shaped their civilization. They kept trying to say, "It isn't funny," and then dissolving back into helpless laughter. “There’s nothing for it,” Darklis said finally. “They’ll soon see what a warmongering race they’ve welcomed to their planet.”
“So what can we bring to offset that image? That’s what we need to think about.”
The fleet was leaving for Andrash in one month, and the Kalderash family with it. Scouts had been negotiating this diplomatic mission through the stars for more than ten years, and the time was here at last. For most of those ten years Darklis and Maximoff had been keeping lists of what they would bring should they be approved for the mission, and now they were finalizing those lists and packing their steamer trunks.

Comic books and candles, a violin, a guitar, and a saxaphone. A ventriloquist’s dummy and a soldier sculpture from a Chinese tomb. A lifesize replica of Michelangelo’s David, and a statue of Kali -- Darklis had argued the goddess’s many arms would confuse the Andrashians, but Maximoff won that argument.
And then there were the living things. Not pairs -- this was no Noah’s Arc. Single caged creatures: a horse, a Siberian Husky, a tabby cat and a snow-white chicken, a spider monkey, a gazelle, an iguana, a camel, a flamingo, a fruit bat, a kangaroo, and a tank of angel fish. They would be put to sleep for the voyage as the human passengers were, and would awaken in a strange landscape. Everyone on Earth had seen the photos: the hills red as blood, the alien vegetation, the tall cone houses and the strange beings that lived in them.
“What else?” Maximoff asked. “What are we missing?”
What would you take in your baggage to another planet, in an attempt to explain our world to aliens?
(P.S. All names in this story came from my recent research into Romany names. How cool are they? Darklis? Andrash? So cool.)
Thats A LOT of stuff! I would just pack my beloved writing chair and five Gambino's dobeige cakes! Great story-loved it!
oh! And all your paintings of course!
Great "...Scribble" Sweety :) I'm amazed at how fast that story flicked from your fingers. Sheesh.
what a story!! Wow! I absolutely LOVED that they took pudding - ha ha ha ha ha. I don't know what I would take - I'm not sure what would sum up my planet... heh heh heh... probably my laptop ;)
Fantastic story line, when can we read this fabulous book?
What else to bring?.....my own pillow, favorite flip flops and every book I ever read, that alone would fill the ship!
I read like people eat potato chips
great....now I have to wait to know what happens next....I hate that :)
xxx darlene~ close enough to darklis
HonestToPete, Laini, I think you covered all the important stuff to take to an alien planet! Great story!
WOW. that's real food for thought. what a great story....
let's have more...please?
p.s. how are your fingers now after the glass cutting?
i'm coveting your table..i still think about it..
...had mapped the alleys of each others minds so well they had only to meet eyes
how i love this line ...well i love it all ... but this just resonates for me
Another thought-provoking post - your specialty, it seems!
Let's see: You have sculpture covered, but I don't recall seeing paintings, so Vincent's Starry Nights, Leonardo's Last Supper (hmm, better throw Mona in there, too)Some Ansel Adams photos, and a Norman Rockwell calendar. Music! The Top 40 Classical Hits - Beethoven, Mozart, etc. and jazz and blues & bluegrass, and rock of course. And films! But which ones without confusing them...This could go on and on! See what you've started :)
Thanks for another great post, Laini!
This was a great post and wonderful story. What a great children's picture book this would make...you should try and publish it. I could invision the pictures in my head. I must save and read it to my daughter when she is of an age where she can understand it.
Your imagination constantly amazes me! I like that you packed so many different things from different places. How about taking some duct tape for the journey?
The stuff you come up with is amazing! :-)
Laini, Laini, I wish I could jump into your stories and swim great huge laps. I love the names and details, the way you've woven in important ideas and made the whole thing playful.
What an amazing story!! You are such a gifted writer!! That first paragraph is pure magic!! I am in awe!
I can't wait to be able to buy your books!
Oh, I missed your stories this weeks. This was a fun one.
... hmmm....I would bring...a dvd collection of day time soaps! Wouldn't that make them think we were crazy?! LOL
I love that you have researched Romany names-- how very very cool--
I'm with Amber - some good old TV shows, like "I Love Lucy" and "The Cosby Show" - corny things. Bubble gum, bubbles and balloons. Lemons, red peppers and mint. I don't know why, but the colors and smells of those things would be fun to share with someone who had never seen them.
Laini - I took "Curses" with me this weekend to Sunriver so I could read it when I wasn't in a rush. I loved it! Thanks for finishing that and I'm hoping you have plans to share that with a bigger audience some day!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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