I'm quite glum today and approaching a stretch of treacherous overwork that will cause me to seem to disappear from the universe, but I haven't missed a Sunday Scribble yet and don't plan to. So I'm going to sort of unhinge my forehead and see what spills out:
Two cents. I don't know where the expression comes from, but to me in my current state, two shiny pennies in a pocket in no way sums up the need to GIVE MY OPINION. It's more like a sulfur-spewing dragon perched on my shoulder, threatening to incinerate anyone who comes too close. Pennies? They seem so sweet and inoffensive, like something Laura Ingalls got in her Christmas stocking, along with a stick of candy and an orange. When the need to share my thoughts builds in me... it's like a Hindenburg waiting to happen. But I don't WANT to be that person, the explosive know-it-all -- who likes an explosive know-it-all? -- so I try to bite it back. I let the conversation play and replay in my head (or, as the case may be, in my email, carefully unaddressed so I don't hit "send" by accident!) and I'm always so much more clever in my head, with no one snapping back. Often these little theatrical dialogues in my mind are all I really need, an outlet to diminish the fury of righteousness that has built up in me. Then, having triumphed in this scene of my imagining, I can proceed in a much more charitable way to address whatever real issue exists. Dragon temporarily tamed.
Right now, as it happens, my dragon is suffering the indigestion of swallowing too much of its own sulphur, because you know, you can't always say what you want to say. Sometimes the pennies have to stay in your damn pocket. I recall how blithely I would "fire" customers when I worked retail as a teenager, giving my 2 cents as if it was my duty to point out to people how unsophisticated and simple they were. (Ah, bookstore clerks! How superior they think themselves!) Later, working for myself: a world of difference. Ah, how I could bite my tongue to not risk losing a sale when the money was bound for my own meager wallet! I guess that's part of growing up. Knowing that saying whatever is on your mind is not ALWAYS the best way of getting what you want. Diplomacy: you know, knowing how to behave in a situation, like when NOT to give the German chancellor a shoulder rub! HA!
[In unrelated but exciting news, two people have told me they've spotted Laini's Ladies in the Skymall Magazine on recent flights. How cool is that?]
One of the biggest, and most difficult, lessons I've learned in life is when to keep my mouth shut and just...listen. I'm still learning it, actually. I suspect I will be for the rest of my life. I guess that's why they call them "life lessons."
That is the coolest thing ever! Your a celebrity...with your Ladies fying all over the world :)
Yes, biting ones tongue is such a hard lesson to learn. Maybe that's why it is made of such thick, course muscle....if not...none of us would understand each other, or we'd be talking pretty funny :)
by the way...your so cute!
xxx d
oh my most diplomatic munchkin scrunglechickie, it definitely isn't always good to endlessly hold your tongue. Its definitely time for you to roll your tongue out slowly and let some of those pent-up words and feelings out of your head and heart. As someone who has too often been prone to the other end, saying what I feel without lolling it over in my head first, I admire your patience and characteristic diplimacy of the mouth! AND congratulations on being a Yahoo Pick! yay!
I meant "diplOmacy!"
For only 2 cents worth, that was quite a bargain!
Congratulations, Miss Yahoo Pick of the Day AND creator of Laini's Highflying Ladies! Woo-hoo! Good news, indeed!
Very cool about the Sky Mall mag...and fantastic about SS being Yahoo Pick of the Day. Congrats! I, too, do the 'write it out but don't hit send' thing. But do you ever forget that you didn't actually send it...and then later have to remind yourself that oh yeah, they don't know I said all those things. ;)
I'm so much more clever in my head too. I sing better too. :) Once, when I was agonizing over how to tell someone she was a pain in the ass and had offended me deeply, it was pointed out by a dear friend that it wasn't my job to teach that woman how to be a decent human being. It was good advice.
Congrats on the Ladies. I look for them all over town now and get a little thrill of excitement when I see them. And I love that they're being spotted on airplanes. Wings, indeed.
i have this image of you drinking a tall glass of chocolate milk with whipped cream on top to help put out that fire when you need to. maybe that will make it not as hard...knowing you have a treat waiting for you...
oh i wish i would have looked in the skymall catalog when i was on the plane. am on one again at the end of august so i will have to look then!
thinking of you my dear...
Congrats on the site of the day pick and on the Skymall mag! Cool!
I love the mental image of you unhingeing (sp?) your forehead to see what comes out.
Here is what I think, my two cents on your two cents! I think you should SAY what you want to SAY! No one will be hurt beyond repair, for crying out loud! Just let it roll. Set it free. Some people might agree, some might not, so what?! I might not agree, but I would still LIKE you. And maybe I will see whatever it is through your eyes, and agree with every word! But, again, who cares? I hate to think that you are going to bite your tongue off, and choke on it. Just be who you are, and say what you must.
"I'm going to unhinge my forehead and see what spills out"--only the first of many delights in this post.
Love your pennies, Laini.
Roadchick has a sister dragon to yours perched on her shoulder...taming it is the trick, all right.
Great post.
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