Saturday, April 07, 2007

How to disguise yourself as a tall person

Step One
Wear very long pants.

Step Two
Wear very tall shoes.

It's that simple.


Judy Wise said...

Laini, you crack me up. I've tried all these tricks myself.

Claudia said...

Oh my goodness!!! How can anyone walk in those shoes! Lucky I´m tall.

Kiah-Monique said...

Love it. And I love those shoes!

Vid Digger said...

You're good!

Now how do we disguise ourselves as a short person?

Alex S said...

Just so you know EVERYbody was whispering about you this morning at knitting class! When you went to refeed your parking meter everyone rushed over to me and said, "What happened to Laini??? She is so freaky tall! Get her out of here!" You were an alarming sight. You looked like that Mongolian guy who stuck his long arm down the dolphon's mouth.

Kim G. said...

Oh-my-flippin'-goodness girl! Don't fall off those stilts and break an ankle right before your big book tour. I can't wait for the day you're on Oprah and she sees those shoes! ;) She'll want a pair for herself!

[a} said...

I would NEVER cover up those awesome shoes with long pants, not even to look tall!

Jone said...

I think I had shoes that tall in the 70's. How fun. I wouldn't dare these days. Loving Blackbringer.

kelly rae said...

that's our laini!

lately, i've embraced the shortness. i've even been wearing flats! omg, no!

Amber said...

LOL! You are the best!

And Kory would like me to find a pair of those shoes, to go with my...Oh, never mind. It's Easter, and I really shouldn't talk like that. *snort*


Anonymous said...

Holly bug squahsers!