Saturday, February 24, 2007

My first book review!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just read the very first review of Blackbringer ever and I'm all fluttery and jittery and so, so, so thrilled! You can read it here -- and I hope you will!

I had the pleasure of meeting the reviewer, New York City librarian Betsy Bird, when we were in NY a few weeks ago. In a wonderful coincidence, some writer friends had gotten together with her for cupcakes (perfect detail, that) and she happened to mention to them that she was reading a fantasy book she was really enjoying and it was MY BOOK! They were really excited and brought Jim and me to a shindig Betsy was having that night, so I got to meet her in person. It's still so new for me, this notion that people out there have my book in their hands and are reading it. And, um, loving it. Wow! Wow wow wow!

Thank you, Betsy, for making my first book review such a marvelous, memorable one!


kelly rae said...

just read the amazing review, laini! how seriously cool is that?! congratulations, and brace yourself for the flood of amazing reviews sure to be on their way!

luzie said...

congratulations! that was such a wonderful review!! i'm so thrilled for you. :)

Deb R said...

Congrats on the review, Laini. Yay!!

Is there going to be a place where we can buy signed copies of your books online rather than just ordering through Amazon or someplace?

Deirdre said...

I just read the review. Holy smokes, that's good. I can see my summer will be shot once I start reading your book. All this cleaning and organizing I've been up to will be wasted. Oh, wait, maybe I'm getting it done now so I can lounge away the hours with a good wine and a book. Hmm.

Left-handed Trees... said...

I CANNOT wait to read it...congrats on such a memorable first review!

Little Willow said...

Congratulations! I've come over here by way of Fuse #8. Due to her review, I've added the title to my Books to Read in 2007 list!

Amber Lough said...


That's an awesome review! I'm so happy for you!

Alex S said...

I wholeheartedly agree with Betsy! Blackbringer is one of the best reads not only of 2007 but would be in ANY year it came out. It should be in the time capsule with the Twinkies!

Anonymous said...

I cannot WAIT to read this...can I buy it now? I am so excited for you, Laini...the review actually brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

oh Laini!!! what a sensational review and I know it is just the first of many--- you are most deserving-- and I want to echo the question of another comment above-- is it too late to order a signed copy?


Fletcher of the Day said...

Okay Lizard, I have to say eyes started leaking when I read that review...I actually cried! Years of therapy haven't been able to do that...but you...I know what this means to you. I'm far away and not a constant in your life, but I feel like I was there at the very beginning ( pre-historic, but there, none the less). I've had a few glimpses of what goes on inside your head and I can honestly say that I am so proud of you.

Oh, did I mention that the tears were tears of joy? When the series comes out, I'm going to ebay with my Laini Taylor originals! Kidding...Go forth girl and conquer the world. You've already taken the first step..

Lori Lee

Anonymous said...

woo woo woo! i'm SOOO excited for you. i'm composing toasts to your creative genius RIGHT NOW... :)

it brings me such joy to see those get what they TRULY deserve....i see upcoming world domination (not just in the fairy realm)! :)

hugs and kisses to you and jimbo.

love you,

madelyn said...

That is an exceptional and
vibrant review for an exceptional
and vibrant writer.

I feel such joy for you!!!!!!!!!!

Kim G. said...

Omigosh - that gave me goosebumps! I mean, we all know you're a rockstar writer, but she works in the library INDUSTRY and has NO LOYALTIES and SHE LOVED IT! Golly lolly! That's awesome!

How about a virtual blogger signing event? We could do it somewhere in Portland and use Skype (internet/video phone) to broadcast it? Do you think you'd be interested in speaking at schools? If you're interested in doing that in the Hillsboro/Beaverton area let me know and I'll get you in touch with some teachers I know. Listen to me go on and on . . . but this is all so cool! I'm so excited for you - Congrats!

Rampian said...

Laini--Congrats! I love the way she describes and celebrates your language. Totally right on!---Abi

Disco Mermaids said...

I just read the review on Fuse #8 and had to swing by and tell you congrats!! That was an amazing review!

Can't wait to read it!!!


kelly rae said...

just came by again to say how so excited i am for you (and for jim, too!)

Frida World said...

What an amazing review, and from someone who had her reservations before she read it. You certainly converted her!

I am so incredibly thrilled for you and even more in awe of your talent - you and your marvelously talented husband and illustrator. He also gets a great review there.

I want to buy this book in person, at a signing at Powell's. Followed by a celebratory drink with you, Jim, Alexandra and all your other bloggy friends/fans. But I'll settle for a pre-order from Amazon, I guess.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

PS: I have a Laini's lady (Seek) by my desk and another (Sparkle) hanging in my bedroom. The other six found anew home in New Zealand. These two are now on mission in Afghanistan!

Anonymous said...

hi laini,

i am a stranger that happened upon you in the blogasphere... i first came across you through sunday scribblings... (though now i can't even remember where i found that!!) but, i heard about your book review through a blog that i like to vist (frida's world). i read your review, and i also want to say congratulations!! i wouldn't usually consider myself a "fantasy" fan (i have enough trouble dealing with my own fantasy land without getting involved in those of others), but i think i just might take that reviewers advice. i'm sure i will only read one fantasy novel, and aparently blackbringer has to be it... congratulations again laini.

warmest regards, cath

Bob the Frog said...

congrats to you!! not sure if i have commented here before..but exciting to have published your first book AND to get a review like that!! HOORAY!

Anonymous said...

Wow! WOW!! WOWZA!!! I just read the review and I'm even more anxious to read your book than ever! I am so stoked for you and Jim and your book - Woo hoo!!!
How exciting to see your dream come true...
I can't wait to read it - are you SURE you don't have a private stock of signed books stashed under your bed that we can all buy direct from you? lol

Anonymous said...

I could seriously do a backflip for you, but I'll leave that up to the likes of you and Sara. :)

It was such a thrill and pleasure to be sitting with Betsy as she said, "I'm reading the greatest book," and out pops YOURS. Thanks for sharing all the excitement with us.

Amber said...

Wow! What a GREAT review. I really can't wait to read it, Laini! How exciting!

I know she is right, and the kids will LOVE it.



Diane Dehler said...

Congratulations on your novel. I wandered into your space by chance and glad that I did.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

she captures it all with that review. WOW!!!
congratulations laini! i can't wait to hold a copy in my hands and read the finished product...

(you know, i think about magpie often, her story, all of it, just seeps into the that. just love it)

Alessandra Cave said...

Congratulations, Laini! That is an amazing achievement. And what a great review too!

Anonymous said...


congratulations on the review. I read it today. Very positive! Good for you. I watch for items about your book and hope to keep track of its progress and reviews as you and I move out from under the long shadow of anonymity and into the realm of "hey, I think I've heard of that guy/gal."

I received my first Demonkeeper review recently. The review appears on I don't know exactly what it means, but it seemed to boost my Amazon rank by 1.5 million in one day. I wonder how many books got pre-sold?

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a review!!! I'm going to see if our librarian will get it for our library at school. :) So...will we be hosting house book parties for you next, my dear?! ;) (Can you believe that Patry's tour is already here?!) :)