Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Can you waggle your ears?

I'm posting this new muse (part of next year's Laini's Ladies collection, which I completed this weekend) in honor of NaNoWriMo, which begins tomorrow. So good fortune to all novel writers -- may story fly from your fingertips for 30 glorious days!

And here's another quote I came across, to keep things in perspective: "It is all very well to be able to write books, but can you waggle your ears?" (JM Barrie) No. I can't! Can you?


Deirdre said...

Nope, I can't either. And really, sweet Laini, with the immense talents you already have ear-waggling would be just too, too much.

I can't decide which of your ladies I love best and may end up with a houseful. Oh, my. Congrats on finishing another line. This one has the names of several of my writing friends on it. When will it be out?

kelly rae said...

beautiful, laini! and no, i can't either!

Deb R said...

Nope, I can't waggle my ears or wiggle my nose. :-)

Alex S said...

She's totally beautiful! A new favorite of mine! I think you've inspired me to do NANO- tomorrow is almost already here-yikes!

Kim G. said...

Oh, I had grand plans to do Nanowrimo this year, even bought the book (No Plot, No Problem). But the realities of life are creeping in and it doesn't look very feasible at this point. I have committed to sketching out at least a few characters and will hopefully participate in the challenge next year!

This is my favorite L.Lady yet! I will for sure be getting one of these! :)

Claudia said...

Your ladies are all so beautiful and inspiring - I have one hanging around in just about every room! And no - I can´t wiggle my ears but I can curl up my tongue on the sides!

Anonymous said...

I love this lady of yours, Laini - I feel more confident just looking at her. Thank you for thinking of us NaNoWriMo'ers and sending us off with good wishes - that's bound to be good luck coming from you!

Anonymous said...

i love your lady and what she says.
just divine, dahling!

Amber said...

Love this Lady!

Good luck to all you writers taking this challenge. Yay!


Shesawriter said...

That picture makes me think of bright fluffy clouds and cotton candy and angels. :-) Thanks for the joy. (g)

Sam said...

I can definately waggle my ears. But alas, not sure about a book.

Anonymous said...

I think my ear wagging is really just fancy temple wiggling. .. Yes. I just checked the mirror. I'm disqualified.

That writing quote is amazing with your lady!

BendingPeak said...

Good luck with the writing!

Rampian said...

Just wrote about the book i'd write on my blog. I'm trying the NANO this year. Today, I played hooky from work, just to devote to it. Beautiful fairie--I love the little butterfly that proclaims her name. Where will it go? Above her head?