So of course, a giveaway is in order. Two copies of Lips Touch are up for grabs, signed by both me and Jim. How do you win them?
How fun! There are three first kisses in Lips Touch. One is sweet, one is hasty, and another is . . . well, it just might be deadly. What was yours like? Mine was gross.
Mildly gross, I guess, not super-gross. It was just so unexpectedly . . . moist. Ick! I was twelve, living in Italy, and I'd had a crush on one of my older brother's Italian friends. His name was Oliviero, he was half-Swiss, an orphan being raised by his grandmother, he was a drummer in a rock band, and he had a rat tail in the back of his hair -- so chic :-) I think he was fifteen. The kiss happened on an overturned boat on the beach, I was completely caught off guard by the grossness of it and I literally slipped away out of his arms and escaped! Seriously. I squirmed out of it like an eel. Ha ha! That was the end of that budding romance, and I was so put off that I didn't attempt kissing again for two more years!
So. That's my sorry first kiss story. The ones in Lips Touch, I assure you, are much better. What's your story? Feel free to make one up. I'll choose the winners for entertainment value, not truthfulness. Email it to me with the subject line: FIRST KISS. The deadline will be Sunday night, and I'll announce the winners on Monday, and the kiss stories will be reprinted in my blog. Specify if you want your name left off. Remember to put your address in the email so I can mail you the book if you win.
To recap, here's how to enter:
-- Email me the story of your first kiss (or make up a first-kiss story).
--title the email FIRST KISS
--tell me if you want your name left off if you win
--remember to include your mailing address
--you have until Sunday night!
If you don't want to write about kissing, but you'd still like a signed book, Powell's is selling autographed copies HERE. If you're local, Jim and I are signing at Powell's on Hawthorne on Monday, Oct 5 at 7:30. I'll also be at Wordstock on Saturday, Oct 10 at 3, where I'm sharing the stage with Sarah Rees Brennan, author of The Demon's Lexicon, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Tomorrow I'll write more about the book and how it came to be written, and I'll also reveal [cue dramatic music] A SECOND STARRED REVIEW. Yoooo hoooooo! Two starred reviews! Yippeeeee!
Now, write your kiss stories. I can't wait to read them!
The book arrived at my office on Monday afternoon. I've been so tempted to open it, but I'm leaving for a conference today and it's going with me. I've had a sneak peak at the gorgeous art and can't wait to dive in. Everything about it looks beautiful and so well-planned, even down to the lovely read headings at the tops of the pages.
No first kiss story here, but can't wait to read other's stories. Congrats on the the book!
Congrats on your second starred review!!!!
Oooh, my word verification is "sting." Perfect for a LIPS TOUCH kiss post, isn't it?
Not that I'm totally DYING to win a copy or anything, but are we talking multiple entries or not? Just curious:)
Hi! I tried to enter, but the email address in the post is wrong. I figured it out by clicking on the email address in the side bar, but just thought you should know that it's messed up in the actual post.
My copies of Silksinger and Lips Touch arrived today! Yay!
cant wait for your book! congrads! what a way to end the summer - 2 beautiful babies :)
Congrats on that review! I cannot wait to read this!
I'm not entering the contest, because I've already ordered a copy, but I have to say one thing about my first kiss: it triggered the gag reflex.
Drummer in a rock band, huh? Impossible to resist, Magnus says so.
I actually can't remember my first kiss. It must have been early. I had a rogue boyfriend who routinely busted me out of kindergarten when I was four, and I'm sure we kissed. My wicked days.
Also, congratulations!
Hi Laini,
Congratulations! I 've mailed you and hope to get hold of one copy of this lovely book.
Hearty congratulations! That is just too fabulous.
That is awesome!! Congratulations on book no.4:)
Congratulations, the illustrations look amazing. I've got Blackbringer ordered and am looking forward to reading it. I'm ashamed to have been playing at Sunday Scribbling all this time and never spent time rambling around here. Thank you again for hosting the Scribbling Site - it has had such an impact on me.
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