Cool! Please feel free to circulate and repost :-)
Also, at last, a sneak peek at Jim's finished art for the book! We're only allowed to show a tiny portion and it's really hard to choose which pages, but here are a few. From the first story, "Goblin Fruit," which is an homage to Christina Rossetti's truly bizarre and delectable 1859 poem, "Goblin Market". The title page:

From "Spicy Little Curses Such As These," which is set in India in 1918:

And lastly, from "Hatchling," which is the third and longest tale. Wish I could show more!

As for writing, yes, it is happening! Yesterday while Clementine slept in her swing, I wrote a chapter. An entire chapter of over 2000 words. Yay! The day before was about a thousand, and it was kind of like pulling teeth, but then yesterday it unexpectedly got fun. I love it when that happens. Being the uptight perfectionist I am, it's not all that often that I can just *story-tell* for the pure fun of seeing what unfolds. I'm too self-critical for that. But I'm on an ongoing life quest to achieve that state of pure storytelling pleasure (the editing can come later!), and sometimes it happens. I have this fantasy that by my tenth or fifteenth book I'll somehow have gained Jedi mastery over my brain and I'll be able to . . . just write. You know, without all the crazy, the obsessing, the worrying whether it's perfect. My brain and I are still ironing out our relationship, ha ha.
Not sure how today is going to go, writing-wise. Today Clementine does not appear to be the least bit sleepy :-)
What a wonderful post! Jim's artwork is so beautiful. I can't wait to hold and read it. Thank you for sharing :-)
You amaze me. I got back to writing yesterday, finally, and did 400+ words. I got stalled b/c I have to do more research on the T'ang dynasty.
(Well, and b/c I just get stalled at the drop of a hat.)
(me again)
Oh yeah, and I forgot: Jim is amazing too! Look at that artwork!!!!
Wow. I mean, I already wanted the book, but now I want it more. Gosh, it's gorgeous!
Those look gorgeous! I can't wait to read them!
Totally gorgeous. I can't wait to see this book in all its glory.
I came here via Ben's blog, I, uh, think I killed my muse, and it's been well worth the journey. Thanks.
i'm in love. this book looks so beautiful!!! and interesting...I can't WAIT!!!
Well, now I know for sure I need more than the ARC; the art is so, so lovely, in colors
That is one of the best trailers I have is short, to the point and visually unforgettable!
Congratulations on the work. I bet it feels really good.
And let me know when you figure out how to get over that uptight perfectionism. I'd LOVE to know how too.
While I am the proud owner of an author and artist signed :) ARC of "Lips Touch"... I'm soooo excited to have a gorgeous hardback copy!! The pictures just come to life with all that color!! And try as I might to be careful not to bend pages or break the 'neck' of this book, it now has a 'loved' look to it after reading it three times! You are a fantastic author...I love getting lost in each of the stories! Happy kissing, indeed! ;)
The artwork looks amazing! I cannot wait to get the book! Congratulations on the writing! I think (from personal experience) that babies somehow help one become a better writer and definitely enjoy it even more! :D
I've always loved Christina Rossetti's poem... I'm so glad you wrote a version for LIPS TOUCH. It makes me even more anxious to get my hands on a copy!
Also, bravo to Scholastic on the trailer. The tone of it and the music are perfect. Watching that and looking at Jim's artwork is the ultimate teaser!
Great trailer! I think I will repost it :)
I wondered about the title of "Goblin Fruit". I spent a lot of time with that poem a couple semesters ago, and it is delectable--so excited to see a version of it in Lips Touch!
Thanks for the preview of the illustrations; they're absolutely gorgeous!
And good luck with the Jedi mastery of your brain thing :)
Maybe you should sway a ying-yang before Clementine's eyes and say something like, "You are getting sleeeepy."
Works on my dog.
I can't wait for Lips Touch! I didn't even know they had book trailers! It was so cool. (:
AAAAAhhhhh why are we having to wait until october to read it!?! amazing trailer and art work!
Wow. Just wow! Those are so beautiful.
And look at you writing like the wind!!!! Shoot, when my kids were little I was lucky if I showered let alone wrote chapters :-)
That trailer is SO cool, Laini!
And the artwork takes my breath away. Can't wait to get my very own signed copy in a few weeks!! :)
The art work is awesome, I'm so excited about Lips Touch because I remember reading that first Kiss story at Sunday Scribblings. What a wonderful journey it has been on!
I'm also beyond impressed that you are writing while Clementine sleeps - you have your priorities sorted!
You rock!
I can’t take my eye away from the drawings sketches of that book, it’s just stunning.
My son loves to read books especially with picture on it. I think he will love this book.
So exciting!
Hugs to all three of you!
Oh my god. Jim's illustrations are gorgeous! A two-color novel! Do you know how lucky you are? I love the scene of the girl at the graveyard and her face is so lovely in the following spread---she really has an old-fashioned beauty. Can't wait to get my hands on the book.
Oh my goodness. Jim's illustrations look INCREDIBLE! Wow. I mean I loved them before, but WOW. The red makes them STUNNING.
Wow. Can I say WOW a few more times?
Also . . . a trailer?? GO SCHOLASTIC!
What an exciting post :)
Cool trailer. Beautiful artwork. And Congrats on the writing!
Oh MY, Jim's art is just so beautiful! JUST the kind of art that would have made me pick up this book, when I was young. Truly. I can't wait to pick it up now!
Wyatt and I are going to start Dreamdark, after he watched the review above, btw. That was adorable. How fun for you!
Just shared the trailer over at my blog and pointed folks to the sneek peeks here. The illustrations are exquisite.
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