Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Go read these revising tips

Good morning! Check me out. I swore last night I would actually get up at 6 this morning and get back to my old ways and then, when the alarm went off. . . somehow I did. It's a miracle. And here I am, coffee in hand. I have noticed that if I get up at 6, I can get a whole day's worth of work done before lunch. It's amazing. So, here goes!

But first, if a) you're revising a novel, and/or b) you like James McAvoy, get you over to Stephanie's blog for some revising tips, starring. . . James McAvoy! (She's crafty, that one.) And, take note of this: Stephanie is revising her novel. She works full time, so what she does, is she comes home from work in the afternoon, takes a brief nap, then drags herself out of bed to work on her revisions until something like 4:30 in the morning! Her sweet husband pours caffeine down her throat and makes nice meals, and she has cut anything auxiliary out of her life right now. She's determined. (Leave her an encouraging comment. That would be nice.)

Inspiring, no? I remember hearing once how William Faulkner worked long hours, then could be seen with the light on in his window into the wee hours of the night, writing. Because, if you want to write, you write. Today, I am going to try to be one of those people who really writes. This week I've been getting in sort of the minimum each day, but this new 6 am plan is underway! Better stop blogging away my headstart. . .


Heather said...

Ooohhh...I'm feeling inspired to do the same! However, trying to find a time EARLIER than my kids rise will be the challenge! Yay you!

Katie Anderson said...

Ooo good stuff this morning! I can't wait to click on over and read Stephanie's post. I am inspired to have a better schedule myself.

Good luck to us all! - and thank God for caffeine :-)

tone almhjell said...

...what do you mean, 6am? Like, in the morning? And your head actually works? And you can fit words together?

Cuppa Jolie said...

Thanks for the link to Stephanie. You know my revising situation and I'm always up for a new trick to add to the bag (got one).