Feeling I needed a change of writing scenery this afternoon, I gathered up my laptop and went to. . . the living room. Drastic! It's about 15 steps to the living room sofa from my writing room door. Er, ten maybe. Ten small steps? I don't know if it helped. Today has been a pretty decent writing day anyway, all rainy and dark outside, yum. All I've been doing for weeks is writing, and it's amazing how life just compresses itself and goes sliding by. It's like life hunches and creeps low in passing so I won't notice and feel bad that it's going by without me. Humph! Thanks, life! Here I sit wiggling my fingers over the keyboard. . . Well, you know, this is where I want to be. I just happened to notice that it's fall already, and that took me by surprise. Yesterday it hailed giant white hail in such enormous quantities someone might have thought some god or other was trying to kill them, but I did not think that, because I have been very good lately and done nothing to anger the gods. Nothing! And if they get upset by cupcake consumption (which I can't imagine), that came later, so cannot have been the reason.
So: all this sitting in one place while life and seasons slide by. It is, as far as I can tell, is part of being a writer. A big part. The sitting and doing the work is indisputably a very big part of the whole being a writer thing. I am sure it is possible to find balance, I just really really want to finish this book soon so I am shunning balance and letting life slip by, in favor of this other life that involves faeries and devils and dragonfly caravans and so far is only here in my little head and my little computer and has yet been read by no one except partially by my husband.
I actually did dip out of the house for a little while yesterday. Very daring of me -- I risked being brained by those hailstones some angry god flung down here to punish one of my neighbors (could NOT have been my fault this time!) My college roommate was in town and I hadn't seen her for a while. I picked her up at her hotel and took her to meet Alexandra at Saint Cupcake, where we. . . ate cupcakes. You see, I will leave the house for cupcakes! And pomegranate margaritas, but that was later. In the evening, I ate more cupcakes, and wrote more words, but that big bite out of the middle of the day was a problem for my work routine, because I am not a multi-tasker. I need my mind to be clean of all other thoughts, uncluttered by the angst of friday evening traffic or whatever. And if I have to leave the house, well, there's the whole leaving-the-house-wardrobe to consider, and the necessity of using an appliance or two on my pink hair and putting on some mascara and some tall shoes. All that stuff that is required to go out in public! It throws off my stride. That is why I am not leaving the house much right now.
Oh, and TV -- not going to be a distraction this season. Watched a few premieres last week, and I say, "Phleh." Unimpressive. Except for The Office, which was brilliant as ever. I didn't really feel like I had to watch any shows again. I mean, I'm sure I will. I do get a little fried by the end of the day and besides, I'm finishing some knitting projects -- at last -- that I started last spring. See, I don't watch TV in the summer, and I only knit while watching TV, so summer is not productive knitting time. But now that it's getting cold out, I want my alpaca blanket and my alpaca silk & cashmere stripey scarf. Both are almost done. Don't know what I'll make after that. What I want to make is a full set of alpaca foot pajamas to wear in my very cold writing room this winter. I will make it so only my face emerges, like it's one of those extreme wet suits for very cold water, only instead of rubber it is all alpaca. Won't that be cute? I'll look like a fuzzy alien hard at work. Ooh! Yes, that's it. I'll knit little alien deely boppers on top of the head, with felted pom poms on the ends! Just picture me looking like that as I write this winter! Only, not really, because I am only a rudimentary knitter and couldn't actually make that if I tried.
Mmmm...pomegranate margaritas.
I have an alpaca sweater and it is amazingly warm. Too warm for California. I love the visual of you writing in an alpaca suit with felted pom poms. Love, love that.
;-) Robin
Sounds like heavenly pajamas! Too hot for east Texas though, drat. I did have those red and white striped footed pjs when I was a teenager though, very comfy!!
You are a freaky alien with or without the freaky winter alien pajamas. (& you know exactly who this is.)
where did you get those slippers?? I must have a pair!
I love the idea of freaky alien writing wear and those pjs sound perfect for MN winters! :)
Also, I know exactly what you mean about needing to clear your brain in order to write...I find that I struggle in part because I never feel like I CAN...I am always ready to be interrupted. I am currently working on that.
I'm so glad to see that the writing is moving again. Blackbringer is on my bedstand, waiting to be read! :)
I like the alien-style deely boppers on top - that's a nice touch...
Happy writing~
Laini--Came across this: http://www.faeriecon.com/
Don't know if you know about it yet, but thought you should!
Sitting in one place while seasons slide by + cupcakes + knitting..
your life sounds v. cozy these days.
Wish I could say the same...about the cupcakes, I mean.
Gorgeous slippers! I enjoyed going through your "not for robots" website too!
You appear to be someone who does not have the slightest inkling as to how to behave themselves properly. You strike me as a kidpitty whose manners have abandoned them...your feet on that stool? not appropriate. They should be placed firmly on the ground, not dallying about up in the air like that. And those socky slippers? No grown human being past 18 months of age should be wearing such things. What does your mother have to say about all this? That poor woman, what a freaky fry you are.
Laini, I know what you mean about having a book to finish and spending all of your time focused on it -- I'm writing furiously (when I don't have a toddler in my lap). The writing part is as hard as it always is, but the getting started part is becoming easier the more I write every day. It doesn't take as long to get into the groove, ya know?
Oh, my! What am I doing perusing blogs when I should be hard at work? Agh! :-)
I wish you a merry time in the world of Dreamdark (and its outer regions) -- I am off to the Chathams!
Cute slippers!
slipper ditto!!! so cute!
hehheh - like one of those sleepers that we all wore as kids that zipped up from toe to neck (but with a hood too) and that shushed when you walked. I think that they would be perfect writing clothes! (I have a grown-up sized pair in fleece that my Mom bought me - they even shush!)
Can I please come and have cupcakes and pomeg. martinis with you? Please?
For the love of curly Christ, put up a new post.
Knuckle Sandwich= No new post within the next 10 hours
No Knuckle Sandwich= Post by 11pm tonight.
I loved this post, it was so nice to peek at your thoughts..keep it coming.
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