What's not for robots? My new site is not for robots! It's for writers.
It's not a blog exactly. I'm not planning on updating it (just perhaps refining it over time); it's really just a place to post a series of essays on writing that I've been working on. Now they're up, and you can read them if -- that's right -- if you're not a robot. (To me, people who write with ease are robots.)
The awesome robot art is by none other than my husband-slash-art monkey, Jim. He has an ease and fluency with drawing robots that is a little suspicious. I mean, I begin to wonder if he might not be a robot himself. Hm. Given my no-robot policy, this would be a problem, so I think I won't investigate the matter further. Don't ask, don't tell -- that's my new robot policy. 'Kay?
If you have any curiosity to peer inside the mind of this screwball writer and learn all the crafty tricks I have to use on myself to keep myself writing, then go HERE. Let me know what you think. . . unless it's mean, in which case, go away!
Yes! Not being a robot finally has an advantage.
That is an awesome thing you started, Laini. Thanks for giving me another distraction...
- Jay
Hooray! and congratulations! I always love any advice you give about how you write - it's so inspiring!! I'm going now to take a look - thank you Laini!!
Hi Laini, I discovered your Ladies for the first time this weekend on a trip to a small gift shop in Williamstown, Victoria, Australia. I absolutely love them, and had a hard time choosing just one to take home! I will look out for your books as well.
i love love love the not for robots site!
it was so inpiring i read it all in one sitting, but i will go back again and take some notes this time.
thank you so much for sharing this with us, it's incredibly generous of you.
im from Chile Southamerica
( Latinamerica)
im 22 years old and im a writer ...i newborn writer lol.
well mi English its kinda basic so i apology mi self if there are "empty" sentences ( no logical words together!)
i will be on touch and reading at your "new" way of Blog and essays..
greattings frome Chile!
( mi blOg is NOT already up, so this one, is another that i have but is not the blog where i work usually on mi writes..just in case you...fell kinda oddy on it ^^)
I took a quick look and will go back when I have time to read and enjoy. I'm so glad you've done this - I've been wanting a peek inside that amazing mind of yours.
WOW ... i just read your whole not a robot sight .... (i, by the by, am not a robot...whew) .... and adored it ... i think i need to read it again and take notes ..... you are fabulous for sharing your thoughts .... i have always wanted to be an artist and a writer .... and i've just been working on the artist bit for a couple years now ... maybe i need to get going on the writer bit!
Hmmmm, then I am NOT a robot. good to know. So I can't wait to read it.
Thank goodness the robots haven't taken over everything yet.
The site is wonderful, Laini - and I've only gotten through the first 3 posts - I had to stop so I can go do something about dinner - but I'm coming back and feasting on the rest as soon as I can. It's awesome!
Oh - and Jim's robot artwork is very cool!
I am definitely not a robot, either, and so appreciate the fact that you've taken the time to share your writing process. Your new blog is the kind of info. i've been looking for for about two or three years now, so a big THANKS to you!
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