Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy holidays!!!

. . . from my mom's cat. Doesn't he look ferocious?

I hope everyone had a wonderful wonderful holiday. I certainly did, though MAN why can I not seem to find time to blog or answer emails anymore? Hmmm . . . I wonder . . . Could it have something to do with . . .
Perhaps. The little elf is almost 5 months old. Wow! How did that happen? And yes, time is not quite so luxuriously abundant as it once was, back in the "good old days" (aw, come on, they're much better now, in so many ways!) when I could loaf and lounge all day reading and writing. I keep meaning to blog and answer emails, but . . . then it's suddenly the end of the day. Plus we've been everywhere but home. Now we are back home, trying to find a rhythm for the New Year. A rhythm that includes WORK! I am sooooooooo eager to plunge back into my novel-in-progress. SOOOOO eager. And yet . . . I am writing a blog post instead. Hm. Well, what can I say. Things don't seem real anymore until I've posted them on my blog. Ha ha! So, birthday and Christmas pics!
Remember my clementine pie disaster? Well, my mom -- a more accomplished baker than I -- surprised me with a clementine chiffon pie in lieu of a birthday cake! It was delicious and adorable! The crust is crushed shortbread cookies, coconut, and butter!!! (Recipe.)

There were other sweet things too. Alexandra brought cupcakes:
And Chary brought a bowl of goodness that included homemade gingerbread caramels and chocolate-dipped macaroons. Yum!!!

Excellent loot was had by me.

Clementine got some prezzies too, including a wonderful alligator, which was later spotted hiding under the Christmas tree and ambushing passing elves.

Another year older, another great birthday. I [heart] my family and friends :-)

On the 23rd, Jim and Clementine and I met Alexandra at the zoo for Zoolights, a crowded stroll in the cold with lovely lovely lights and fog and the maybe just maybe the rumbling roar of a lion around the bend. Clementine was truly bundled, like Randy in A Christmas Story -- "I can't put my arms down!"

And then, at last, it was Christmas Eve, at my parents' beautiful house that is like a holiday wonderland. And this year, of course, a new elf joined the gang:
Awww. . . Clementine's Christmas dress is a from Grasshopper, a great store on Alberta where there owner sews limitted editions of simple little frocks out of great fabrics. Perfect for our non-foo-foo tastes. The hat I sewed lickity split on Christmas Eve out of two pieces of craft felt (whip-stitched) and some felt balls. I didn't know how it would come out, but I love it!!! We didn't get a really great Christmas portrait of her, so we'll likely be breaking the outfit out again today or tomorrow to try for some more shots.

As always, the food was amazing, the gifts were inspired and abundant, and the lounging was wonderfully cozy.

Happy holidays to everyone -- mwah!! Now, to work!!!!!


Sarah said...

Looks like you had a beautiful Christmas :D

Thanks for all the delightful posts this year--I don't comment much, but I always enjoy stopping by your blog. Along with that, there is award for you at my blog if you want it :) It is one of those that asks you to pass it along, but don't feel obligated, as life is busy :)

The Silver Lining Award:

Catherine Denton said...

That hat is to die for!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

If ever there was a Christmas that hit the magic and spirit, I believe it is this. What a delight in every way. (and that you can whip up such a cute hat on Christmas Eve is evidence of the magic in you)Thanks so much for sharing it with your readers.

Annie Jeffries said...

What a wonderful first Christmas memory. Clementine is an adorable little elf. And, happy belated birthday wishes to you too.

anna said...

what a wonderful holiday & birthday! Clementine looks positively edible, so cute! Wait until she's toddling about... hooboy. :)

Megsie said...

Your Christmas looks like so much FUN! Clementine is adorable, and no, I can't believe she is already 5 months old. I am so glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday and a Merry Christmas! Welcome home!

Commander Kip said...

Oh mah goodness, the HAT! Kipin wants one. XD Clementine is adorable!

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

These photos make me want to join your family-it looks like so much fun!:) And that outfit for Clementine is adorable.

Elena said...

I love the pictures, Laini!

Glad you had a good holiday.

Myrna Foster said...

I'm going to have to try the pie recipe. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Clementine is the cutest elf ever; I love the felt hat!

Amber said...

All so fun and colorful and wonderful! Luv it.

That baby. I am going to swipe that baby. Fair warning.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! You all look utterly adorable. :)

Good luck with your novel in progress. Cannot WAIT to read, as usual.

Life is Good(ell) said...

Love Clementine's Christmas dress and hat! I hope she's enjoying her first snow in Portland- what a fun surprise.

Thanks for taking the time to post the great photographs, art work, and stories on your blog. Can't wait to read that novel when it's done and published, but until then it's always fun to check in here.

Jordan E. Rosenfeld said...

I just want you to know how your life inspires me. The way you keep creativity, play and fun alive...and your sense of color...Ohhhhh!

Happy New Year

Stephanie Perkins said...

OMGELFHAT!! Cuuuuuute.

Your Christmas looks dreamy. (As always!)