Here are the abandoned bunnies, playing with my parents' bobtail kitties. Cute, no? I misunderstood when I said there was a black one and a white one. Obviously.

They're so soft and mellow, and their feet make these loud thumps on the carpet! They have to stay on the carpet -- it's so funny. When they try to hop on the wood floor they slide like they're on ice!
Awww... so cute! Also, Laini, if you haven't already, you should really, really go check out www.etsy.com. It's a site where people can buy or sell homemade items! I love all the funky stuff on there, and I keep thinking of you when I go on there.
Those are the cutest (and cleanest) bunnies! How could anyone be mean to them?!
I especially like the one that looks like Madonna.
Sweet. Do your folks plan to keep them?
I want one. Makes me want to go adopt a bunny. It's the only pet my parents have even considered letting me get. Uber jealous.
When are they going to try and eat each other? C'mon now! thats what I'm waiting for... Lets get this bunny-kittykat war off the ground!
Ah how cute! And look at that black strip down the back ... and two black eyes on each of 'em. How in the world couldn't they find someone to give them to if they didn't want them? So which one are you keeping Laini?
Aww! They are so cute! They should cat-box train them! We had a bunny that was house trained once...I actually named him "Bunnicula" lol!
...But then my mom left her boyfriend, and forgot to take the bunny...And he ate him.
See why I have issue? lol
oh my god
bunnies and kitties
bunnies AND kitties-- omg
must collapse from the cuteness
Super cute! These photos put a big smile on my face.
Happy January to you!
We had bunnies and kitties and dogs, and they all got along just fine. Bunnies can be housebroken, but honestly, they are not the smartest of all pets, but their cuteness makes up for that.
We couldn't tell their sex in the beginning, and thought we had two females, but then discovered a litter of eight babies at one point; then 10 more about four weeks later. And the male did try to eat the babies, so we had to separate them.
Still, if they are of opposite sex, can be fixed quickly and economically. And they are sweet and cute. And love seeing your parents' cats playing with them. Rescuing these stray animals is a blessing to all of us who do that -- we all need each other.
Your mother is going to make one delicious Easter Bunny Dinner this year...I love how she thinks ahead like this!
Update: My brother brought the bunnies to his girlfriend, who loves bunnies. I don't know if the bunnies' genders, though, so I hope they look into that, or else they might end up with a whole lot more bunnies to love!
Oh they are sweeties! Nice to know they have a forever(I hope) home now with someone who loves them!!
Finished the book, couldn't put it down!!! I have to have a break before I read it again, at least a day or two, lol. It was awesome!!
That was a whole lotta cuteness to take at once! They're adorable! I hope your folks keep them - sounds like they be in the best care possible if that was the case.
Awww...these bunnies make me miss my little pair of dwarf lops-- Belle and Sebastian. They were so precious-- my husband and my first babies! Rabbits make good pets, and they can really get their bluff in on cats. Our rabbits especially loved the kitty jungle gym. Looks like this pair has found a good home!
they are so adorable!!! and i love that it seems they get along with the kitties...
just catching up with all your posts...happy belated birthday girl! hope we get to see each other soon this year!!!
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