Thursday, June 26, 2008

School Canceled Due to Ninja Outbreak

Okay, so it wasn't an outbreak, it was just one ninja, but school was canceled. Okay, wait, no it wasn't. I'm such a liar. It was only "locked down" for a short time, until it could be determined the ninja in the woods was not, in fact, a real ninja. This happened in New Jersey, where they have ninjas (ninji?) coming out their ears. When you look out your window in New Jersey, you might see a streak of black in the woods, but then again, you might not. But if you don't, it doesn't mean they're not there. Because, you know, they're ninjas. (See here.)

I just happened to recall that my younger cousin was a ninja once for Halloween many years ago, and my brother told him he looked like a black smurf.


P.S. Note: Should you take it into your soft heart to feed your elderly dog a diet of roast chicken, expect to become familiar with the smell of roast chicken farts. They smell exactly like roast chicken, but with a powerful, lingering component of. . . fart. It all makes perfect sense, really. Just, beware. And, why is it, I wonder, that dogs have a way of positioning themselves like they're aiming at you?


Q said...

Yes, ninjas is the correct plural form. And that ninja is holding the sword weirdly.

Elise Murphy said...

Oh, how perfect! Vampires have been done, werewolves and zombies are on the literary rise, but urban ninjas - it is the wave of the literary future. You're truly brilliant!

As for the dog farts . . . just don't take it any further. If chicken is bad, imagine sausages, cheese (ack!), hot dogs, and cabbage rolls!

Alex S said...

No need to wonder ! Leroy is aiming at you guys! We had the best laugh about it when you were up in Seattle last time. And from what he tells me, there are many, many more on the way...
I think I am going to dress up as The Incredible Hulk tomorrow for the airport.( Auntie Hulk!)
Btw, did your WB brain or your RDB write this post? My vote is definitely for the RDB. (Thats your "regular daily brain!") and last but certainly not least, thank you very, very not much for that non-breakfast this morning. > ; /

Anonymous said...

Ha, if school wasn't already out I'd dress up like a ninja and act like a phsyco outside of my school so I wouldn't have to go. ^_^ I'm a pro at pretending to be a ninja, if I do say so myself.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying! Thanks for the before work chuckle.

~Molly~ said...

Oh how HILARIOUS!!! Raging ninjas, wonder what they would have done if he had been in a pirate costume?

And, yes dogs do aim for you, even when their hineys are facing away. I swear they do.


Michelle said...

So funny and oh so true. I love the humor in your writing, it's a breath of fresh air. Good stuff!

Cynthia Valero said...

I live in NJ. I wish our work would shut down for a ninja sighting. It would be so exciting compared to the once or twice a year fire drills that take us out of the building for a few minutes. I'll have to keep my eye out for tardy camp counselors who might come in handy.

Love your blog and site, which I found through an artist friend.

Jone said...

Hysterical! That is nearby my cousin's house. And thank's for the tip on the chicken with elderly dogs!