Sunday, May 27, 2007

200th post & FIRST PODCAST!

My first podcast! Here it is -- CLICK HERE -- my talk to the Washington Library Media Association last week, and Jim's too. It's about 40 minutes long altogether. I talk about how I overcame my writing issues and learned how to finish a novel, and how I found my way to what I wanted to write about -- magical powers and enchanted forests and valor and gypsy crows and hunting devils and things like that. Isn't technology cool?

The sound is a little warbly in places; and those loud crinkles are me turning pages -- sorry. Overall it sounds pretty good though.


Amber said...

Cool! But t he speakers on my lap top broke, so I will listen/watch? later on my desktop.



Amber Lough said...

That was great to listen to! (Even my husband listened in, and he wasn't planning on it.)

I have the same issue with perfectionism and fear with my novel at the moment, so hearing that it wasn't a piece of cake for you to write _Blackbringer_ made me feel better. I heard once that Keruac's _On the Road_ was written straight through without any revisions, and it weighs on my mind each time I realize my story is taking a different turn than I had intended and it is, once again, time to revise earlier chapters.

I can't wait to read your surely-fascinating book. :-)

Left-handed Trees... said...

I (HEART) writer podcasts and will be back to check yours out...I listen to them as I'm puttering around often(!) and if I listen to yours just right, I can remember an incredible lunch in NYC and a cup of coffee by a subway entrance and how inspired I was driving home after talking with you about writing and creativity. You rock...

Kim G. said...

Yay for you and Jim and the great things that are happening!! You guys look like naturals signing those books! The kids and I are counting down 'till the release of Blackbringer. Please let us know where you'll be locally to promote the release! (PS - my offer for the book party is still open!)

~Stella said...

I loved your podcast! It was delightful!


GoGo said...

Congrads on the podcast! And love the cat pic.