Sunday, October 25, 2009

Black tie???!!!??? + . . . the competition . . .

It has just sunk in that the National Book Award dinner/award ceremony is a BLACK-TIE AFFAIR. Affair. I don't know what else to call it. Event isn't fancy enough :-) Don't know if I've ever attended an affair. But: black tie! That means I have to buy a fancy dress! And Jim has to wear a tux! Thank goodness he already has one, from his days in the British Secret Intelligence Service -- ha ha. Okay, not really.

I was reading Sara Zarr's account of the 2007 NBAs and there are all the tuxedos in the photos and I thought, "Oh."

Some shopping is in order!

I'm so excited!!! I'm also a little anxious about logistics. I mean: Clementine. Obviously we're taking her to New York with us, but those are some long days, and she's a wee little creature who sometimes gets fussy if we do too much in a day. And of course there's the matter of the black tie affair!!! What to do? I'm trying to persuade my parents that they need a short holiday in NYC that just happens to coincide exactly with ours.

[Parents of mine, if you are reading this, what do you think? How can you say no to this face . . .]

Meanwhile, I've been reading a couple of the other finalists, and of course they're really really good. If you haven't seen the list, here it is:

Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman; Beginning with Darwin's notorious chart listing reasons to wed and not to wed, Heiligman has created a unique, flowing, and meticulously researched picture of the controversial scientist and the effect of his marriage on his life and work.

Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, by Phillip M. Hoose; Nine months before Rosa Parks’ history-making protest on a city bus, Claudette Colvin, a 15-year-old Montgomery, Alabama, high-school student, was arrested and jailed for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. Hoose draws from numerous personal interviews with Colvin in this exceptional title that is part historical account, part memoir.

Stitches, by David Small; . . . David Small's harrowing account of growing up under the watchless eyes of parents who gave him cancer (his radiologist father subjected him to unscrupulous x-rays for minor ailments) and let it develop untreated for years . . .

Jumped, by Rita Williams-Garcia; Leticia, a gossipy high-school student, knows that “Girl fights are ugly. Girl fights are personal.” She says this after overhearing that Dominique, the tough-as-nails basketball player, is planning to beat up pink-clad fashion-plate Trina at 2:45. Will Leticia do anything to intervene?

and of course . . .

Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor. Three tales of supernatural love, each pivoting on a kiss that is no mere kiss, but an action with profound consequences for the kissers' souls.

Who will be the winner . . . ?


Suzanne Young said...

Lips Touch is so going to win. And I'm not the only one that thinks so.

And yay, dress shopping!!!! It'll be fun!

Shannon Messenger said...

The others sound good, but Lips Touch sounds better (note to self, I really must read Lips Touch). Have fun at the "Affair" and make sure you pick a dress that sets off that awesome hair!

mel said...

Hey, babywearing is so IN right now...*grin*'s about a slinky black sling to go with your outfit?

I just finished The Blackbringer -- it ROCKED!!

Best of luck with Lips Touch!!


Myrna Foster said...

I love how the National Book Award Finalist sticker hangs over her ear like an exotic flower.

Have fun with finding a dress and such!

Amber Lough said...

Well of course Lips Touch is going to win. Duh. I entered my dreams last night...I went to Hell, saved children, the whole thing.

I wondered what you would do with Clementine. Too bad I live too far away to help you. You do have lots of writerly friends in NYC that I'm sure will help if your parents can't come. Is she doing ok with bottles? (If you have tried them yet.)

Andrea Eames said...

Ooh, black tie! Exciting. Full-skirted 50s prom dress, maybe? Or perhaps that's just what I would do. :)

And I think you're going to win.

Heather said...

You will! You will! You have adorable baby karma on your side!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I just can't believe you are a finalist. That is just *so* exciting. I have the world's most beautiful long dress. It's ivory long velvet with charcoal tracing in this sort of henna pattern. It's the most expensive dress I've ever had and it was half price. And when I wear it, I feel like a different kind of creature all together.

Charlotte said...

Well, actually in that picture she looks very Puck-like, capable of all sorts of fairy mischief. Perhaps one of her sweetly asleep would have been better propaganda!

I hope you find a lovely dress!

Lisa Schroeder said...

I hope in addition to shopping you are working on your speech, because I'm 99% sure you will be up there, accepting the award!! I love your book soooo much, and I'm thrilled you are getting this recognition that you deserve!

Have fun shopping! Maybe you can convince Arthur you need to bring a nanny along. Oh, and by the way, I'd be a great nanny!!! :)

anne said...

the other choices are all fine, but so intense and dark in a less "fun" way than Lips Touch! I like the black baby sling idea, it'd be quite the sensation!

travel safe!

By the way, finished Silksinger --so intense and wonderful! when's the 3rd one out ?? :)

Hardygirl said...

Yes! Take your parents--and, of course, they cannot say no to that precious, yummy face. That is the only way that you will have complete peace-of-mind for your big night.

And, have a blast shopping for your dress. This is the Oscars, baby!!


jesse joshua watson said...

She could BE your black tie (you wear the white tux shirt and she could wear a black tie-shaped onesie).

Or if you wanted to go full shock and awe, you could dress up as Professor Quirrell and she could be Voldemort's head... (ok, yeah, admittedly not one of my best ideas).
(maybe only Arthur and Cheryl would approve of that one) :)

Michele Thornton said...

YOU will be the winner. And how could anyone say no to Sweet Clementine? Perhaps Arthur could babysit?

Stephanie Perkins said...

Can't wait to see the pictures of you and Jim all dressed up, walking the red carpet.

(OMG, did you catch that in Sara's blog? DID YOU CATCH THAT??)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the nomination! I loved the book and can't wait to hear you read at the NBA reading.

Hope you and the fam enjoy being in NYC for that week and that the weather is agreeable for some sightseeing or just lounging.

Amber said...

Um, so, yeah. I am open for a trip to New York, where I can play nanny. Just. You know. If your cold-hearted parents decide to reject your pathetic begging...

;) (I hope you win!!)

Warren Farrell said...

every thing is best in this world