Monday, June 05, 2006

Writing Room - coming soon!

Behold the green furniture! These wonderful shades of lime and chartreuse have been my favorite color for a few years now, and I had thought I might paint the guestroom-soon-to-be-writing-room that color... until I found this bench. Actually my mother found it at our favorite Portland gift store, Stella's (also the first store ever to carry my greeting cards when I took my first baby step towards commercial enterprise) and called me saying I MUST have it -- and my mother knows me. And now I DO have it! And THEN my sweet wonderful Jim surprised me with this matching writing desk for an early anniversary present -- thank you sweetie!! (Our 5th wedding anniversary is on thursday!) I am so in love with both of these pieces of furniture it is a kind of torture I don't yet have a fitting home for them. You see, I have decided to convert the seldom-used guestroom into a writing room. Yay! My long-awaited writing room. A few months ago I posted a meme that included 3 things you'd wish for just for yourself, and one of mine was a writing room, so this means a lot. (We DO already have an art studio but I don't really write in there because Jim & I share it and he likes to listen to political radio sometimes and I like to read my own words out loud to myself).

Well, the guest room is soon to undergo a transformation. I wish it only needed paint and love, but it in fact needs new walls, insulation, a new ceiling, and new french doors to the exterior. It needs to be gutted. Sigh. But I'm hiring someone to do it because my delusions of do-it-yourselfing ended years ago with dry-walling the art studio. Anyway, with the prevailing greenness of the furniture so far I think green walls would be overkill, but I'm thinking of a kind of pomegranate red. Yum. Also. there's the potential for a private little patio just outside the french doors, and I have visions of writing my next novel in there with the doors open and some long silky curtain billowing in. I'll post before and afters once this project is done. Wish me luck!

Speaking of writing, I've been having a great time working on the extended version of my short story The Hatchling that I originally wrote as Sunday Scribblings week #2, and I've written about 17 pages so far and LOVE it, but I have to set it aside now for something more important (and scary): I received my editorial feedback today from my publisher, so I'll be working on revisions to Blackbringer for the next... I don't know. Weeks? More? It's my first time doing this and I'm really nervous!

In other news, my Laini's Ladies Garden line is out in select stores. Yay! Unfortunately (or, fortunately) the first shipment sold out right away so they won't be available to order online until mid-July when the second shipment arrives from the factory. I heard today at Stella's that the line seemed to be doing really well at the Portland Gift Show over the weekend. I hope so. My new "Bohemian" holiday collection is also showing now. Here are a few sneak peeks:


Alex S said...

There is NO way that lovely, beautiful, magnificent lime bench is going to fit properly in that room. I am on my way right now to retrieve it where I will tuck it away nicely in my house. Yes, it IS every bit as perfect as you described! I'm very excited to see the transformation of this room even while I will miss it as my home away from home as well as post-burglary headquarters! I don't need to tell you for the bazillionth time but I adore these newest ladies-Congratulations to you Jingleding!

rania said...

oooh...the bottom right piece is just gorgeous! all of your work is! congratulations for the writing room! and the awesome furniture! and your upcoming anniversary and your upcoming book! phew! did i get it all?

andrea said...

Very exciting about your Garden Ladies collection and I love the furniture, particularly the chartreuse writing desk. I can hardly wait to see your Writing Room once it's done.

Deirdre said...

Oh, Laini, a writing room. Sigh. What you have planned for this room is giving me a horrible, vile case of envy. Oh. Did I ever tell you that your Ladies were the happy little sprites that brought me to blogging? This obsessive attachment to reading blogs and writing my own are All Your Fault. I hope my local stores will carry more. Happy writing to you.

Claudia said...

The background colour on your bottom left "ladie" would be perfect for the walls in your writing room! I can see you sitting there with the french doors open, Jim bringing you tea and fruit, friends dropping by for readings. And your new ladies are amazing! I would be happy to organise sales here in Austria if you need a rep?* Ofcourse I´d need a shipment of my own to show around.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

oh i love the bench. just love it! i can't wait to see the other goodies of delciousness that you find to put into that room.
these new ladies are fantastic (as i can attest to since i got to see some in person! love, love, love it all my dear.

Cate said...

Congrats. on your continued success with Laini's Ladies--they are lovely! Also, thanks for sharing your beautiful new furniture with us--I adore the color and can imagine you, scribbling away on that desk!

Finally, have fun with the edits for your book--what a rewarding experience, bringing your wonderful writing into that final lap! I can't wait until you cross the finish line--celebration!

P.S. Happy anniversary a bit early!

Kristy said...

Your writing room sounds nothing short of blissful. My kitchen is nearly your green (in fact, my blog skin is based entirely on my kitchen palette)'s not quite the "room of one's own" you describe, but I still find myself breathing in inspiration and centeredness every time I set forth in it. I wish you the same for your room.

Jennifer S. said...

love the new furniture (green is my favorite color!) and how exciting that you are going to create a writing room!

Deb R said...

Ooooh, I love both pieces of furniture and can't wait to see the progress on the room as it happens!

And congrats on the Garden Ladies being so popular! (Will you please post a reminder when they're available online again?)

HoBess said...

You are so busy! Thank goodness you're going to hire someone so you'll have that room sooner than later. Congratulations on the Ladies, and good luck with the revisions. Here's to lots of good coffee and that 4 a.m. alarm!

Amber said...

Yay for your sucess with your ladies! I asked about them in a gift store here. I didn't know where they were yet.

And how exciting for this stage in your book!! I can't wait to read it!!

I LOVE that bench. The desk,too. But I really love the bench!


M said...

Your ladies are Delicious!! And I love the images of your new writing room, especially the colours and the little private deck to write on. Wow. Heaven.

Shari Sherman said...

Laini, Congrats on all of your success. Your ladies are so sweet and brilliant! Oh! and the room, the room you describe sounds utterly magical. Maybe add a buttery golden yellow wall to contrast with the red and the green. I can't wait to see pictures of this transformation. I just love looking at studios and creative niches.

jd said...

That is the exact shade of green my Grandma painted the posts, window trim and porch rails of her bungalow. Brings back lots of good memories.

Jamie said...

How fantastic that this wish you made right here is coming true before our eyes! Magic!

I'm so happy for you that you're going to get your colourful, inspirational, private writing space. You clearly have a vision. And with your talent for making beautiful and magical things come to life, and I know that vision will manifest in your long-awaited room!

Good luck with diving into Blackbringer with feedback in hand. You can do it!

Anonymous said...

FUn! Green! I haven't made the leap yet. You know the one into green. It's the last color that I keep shoowing out of the color box. I am making peace with Chartreuse but green...I have a lot to learn from you. You understand green!
Thanks for the feedback on the blog about the neutral public etc. Good to know I have a fellow freaky collage artist who can relate. I can't wait to know more aboutr your book projects. ANd you write too. Anything you don't do?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Laini on working your way towards a room that is your own. I think that when it is possible to obtain it personal and creative space is a gift to be scooped up, so keep scooping, even if it migght take some time to rehab the room. I hope that in the end when everything is finished it will be exactly what you need.

Caroline said...

Wow a writing desk and bench that match your blog! Wow!

Pomegranate red? Sounds womb like... A womb of my own? Maybe there is something Woolf like about you...

Congratulations on your first shipment of garden ladies selling out straight away - must feel great!

Misty Mawn said...

Wow...That desk is just awesome, what a wonderful gift!
Happy anniversary!!!!

Left-handed Trees... said...

How lucky you are for the "room of your own"...I hope you'll share updated images as the room evolves. One thing I am always incredibly interested in is the spaces where an artist/writer creates. It is almost like viewing a, I'm not being dramatic--this is what I think of. I'm glad to hear of your successes. Your work is beautiful and deserving of this...

Anonymous said...

Your article is very informative and helped me further.

Thanks, David