It occurred to me when I saw this: Aus dem Amerikanischen von Cornelia Stoll und Friedrich Pfluger (which I'm guessing means translated by, but I could be totally wrong), that somebody actually translated it. I mean, I knew that already, but I guess it hadn't really struck me, over the past months, that somebody was sitting with my book trying to translate crow colloquialisms into another tongue, and making up alternative for my invented slang words, and all that stuff. It's kind of crazy. Kind of wow. And so weird that I will never know what choices they made or how they sound. (So, any German speakers, please tell me!)
Also, obviously, they chose to use Jim's art, which I am stoked about because I lurve my cover. (I'll be able to show you the Silksinger cover soon!) Here's the catalog cover, with Dreamdark in the bottom row:

So, yippee yippee yippee. Here, reprinted from last year when we first got the news, is Happy German Penguin, which Jim drew and painted for the Penguin Young Readers foreign rights person, Farah, in celebration:

And, to finish on a totally random note, I pulled this photo off Haven Kimmel's hilarious and awesome blog, because I love it so much. Squint to read the caption. It says "There was no pain, just the feeling that he and I were playing tug-of-war with my body."

Congratulations! How rewarding it must be to see your book in a foreign language! I hope it happens many more times.
That is fantastic. Congratulations, Laini! Viel erfolg!
Yay, yay, Laini! German RAWKS and congratulations!
I speak German! It is strange how much I want that book... I want it so badly it BURNS!
I hope next summer I can get a copy...
You got the German pretty right, dear! And how incredibly cool to have your story translated, too. And then published in a particularly swanky fashion. This is good stuff.
That's awesome! Just the fact that ANYONE can translate ANYTHING awes me. I do (try to) speak Spansh, but languages must not be my thing...
That is the coolest news. :-) Yay!!
I'll have to get it for my friend before she moves to Germany next year. Maybe it'll be the first novel she reads in German...
Eeeeck!! That is soooo coool! And they kept the cover art, because it rawks. Totally stands out, imo.
Yay you guys! I am happy for you.
Am I alone in my enjoyment of saying "Die Elfen von Dreamdark" aloud in a really bad German accent? I picture this lurking guy with a fedora in a dark alley... maybe I just need more sleep. Anyway, mucho congrats!
Hi, Laini! I'm a friend of Maggie's and a) she told me about your book and blog many months ago; b) I love your book and blog; c) I'm a would-be, will-be writer, myself; c-and-a-half) Not For Robots inspires me greatly; d) I already have your book but I WANT YOUR BOOK IN GERMAN!!! (Ja, I can read German!) So cool, congratulations!
RevolvingDor.com (me!)
German, eh? I was hoping the DUTCH would be the first language for translation...but not so far. Bummer. Close enough though, for now!Does this mean a promotional tour in Germany? It's close to Holland! Whoo hooo (one can hope)...
Big Kiss
Lori Lee
Good point, Lori. Are you coming to Europe, Laini?
Whoa, you're going to Germany?! I was aware books were translated so readers of other countries could enjoy them as well, but i didn't think you'd get to visit the country because of such reasons! Would Autumn Rider take me to England? Okay...so they speak English there, no need for translations, but STILL. That's my dream country I have to visit!
What's your dream country? I'm curious. ^_^
And on a weirder note: What is with that dog?! Scary, Laini, SCARY!
Ahh, you dreamers. No, I will not be spirited away to Germany on a VIP tour, to meet my adoring masses of fans (chort!). Alas. Maybe some day! I don't even get to do book tours IN the US, let alone abroad. Such things are left to the famous. I am just happy that Magpie and crew get to go to Germany. Happy happy happy!
And Jehsyka, that scary puppy is a hyena, is my guess. Isn't it hideous? I lurve it.
SO cool!!! Congratulations!
So when is the super-awesome Japanese manga version coming out? :)
Oh, Laini, you are teetering right on that edge of fame...when I peer into my crystal ball, I see it. I do.
So, I used to live in Germany which makes this tranlation too, too wonderful. Yay. All right, I lived there when I was one, but I did start to speak the language which must explain the connection I feel. Congrats to both you and Jim! (So fun to see the catalog, as well.)
Maybe Kirsten will find Magpie while she's there!
Dieter from Berlin here,
it's 21.50 h here and I just bought the book (which is funny as it was announced for April but already can be bought). I congratulate you to your success and hope it turns out to maybe a nice little triology. The German book market is a little bit competitive (but probably so is the American book market)and there are also some very well-known German fantasy authors here such as Kai Meyer, Cornelia Funke et. al. but I can say with a very warm feeling that your book is the only fantasy book I will be buying this year. And this may be nice to tell your husband what initially drew me to the book was the beautiful cover. Have to finish, want to continue reading the book.
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