And then, there's this kind!

Ha ha ha. Seriously, go to amazingcatcollection.com for a good laugh. There are so many hilarious cat pictures, it's a little like watching America's Funniest Home Videos which -- I'm sorry -- is still funny after all these years! One thing you'll see here is that people never tire of setting empty booze bottle next to their sleeping cats. Good one, guys.
I had a dream last night that someone gave my book one star on Amazon and said it was boring! The weirdest part is that the dream was set at Sea World, where I haven't been in twenty years. {Shrug.}
Today is Day 3 of the great furnace installation. I won't go into details about why it has taken so long except to say that our house was built in 1924 and added onto over the years, and we really wish that a "captain's log" had come with the place because we just can't figure out what was original house and what was added on, and so much was sort of rigged together -- trying to do things NOW that are in accordance with code really taxes the imagination of workmen. We have decided that in the original house there was no bathroom. There must have been an outhouse! Can you imagine? Anyway, weirdness abounds, and the crawlspace is very shallow, which makes the duct work difficult (but no less boring, for all that) -- don't you hate crawlspace? Ick.
Early tests show that this furnace is a HECK of a lot stronger than the relic we just removed, so we might be -- gasp! -- warm this winter. AND it's high efficiency, which is nice. One more thing off the house checklist. Next up: complete update of the electrical. ALL of it. BLUH. I'd so much rather buy furniture and cake stands and stuff, but this is more of the whole "grown up" ordeal!
Heh! Our old house still had the bootleg door in the basement - it had been reassembled back into one piece but you could still tell what was! THEN it turned out that the woman who had used the door to bootleg liquor was the grandmother of the husband of my supervisor at work! Weird!
Aren't old houses a trip? When Brook was little (my oldest), we lived in the weirdest house from the 20's in an orange grove. It was like the Winchester house, lol - it had two front doors, but only one opened, the other was backed by the wall of our bedroom - there was a chimney, but no fireplace; steps leading up to the bathroom window, and the bathroom ceiling had all these weird angles - it looked like it had been built around a body in the attic...It did have a cool clawfoot bathtub, though.
Enjoy your heat!
Its better than my place at least which, as you very well know from having to twirl your way up the forty floor winding stairwell many, many times, and was built in 2432 B.C. Sometimes I totally want to move into something more contemporary, even something in the "A.D."'s would probably be nicer, huh? I hate going down my fireman's pole 1000 feet underground every time I want to bathe in the underground cistern. Ugh... and yes, I would miss all the original caveman illustrations but I'd be warmer and just the thought of electricity sounds neat. I'm sure I could learn how to use a lamp if I really, really tried this time, don't you think? Anyway, I am excited to meet your furnace.
well, I hope that you guys are toastier this winter and that your house is happy with the upgrades! (I'd rather buy a cake stand, too!!)
P.S. the lady below is fun - is she one of your spring ones or a work in progress??
I remember when my roommate had to install a new water heater in her 1930's PDX house...and how funky the 'basement' was...given that it was just a hole dug in the dirt. Glad you got the furnace squared away. America's Funniest Home Videos is the corniest show...and totally hilarious. :)
Ahh. I think that's really cute. (the kitties) ;)
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