Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh my poor neglected nap!

This is not the actual watermelon I just ate. There is no photographic evidence THAT watermelon ever existed, which is kind of sad, because it was a MIGHTY FINE watermelon. Oh me oh my.

Things I love about summer:
- watermelon
- blueberries
- corn on the cob
- sidewalk cafes
- toes in the river
- fewer TV distractions
- long, long days

Things I do NOT love about summer:
- HEAT!!!

Egad, we're having a heatwave in Portland - today is the hottest June 26th on record. I hate heat. On top of all its others miseries, like drying out the plants and all, it is just TERRIBLE for naps. We have air-conditioning in only one room, the studio, and so on a day like today, over 100 degrees, it is in the studio we must be, and there are not any napping surfaces in the studio. So I had to skip my beloved nap today and power through the drowsy hour between 2 and 3. I am a napper. I find it is the best way for me to get up early, and go to bed late, both of which I like to do. But this heat messes up everything.

But, with the exception of naptime, I would be in the studio anyway, so it's not such a big deal. I worked some more on my Sunday Scribble cliffhanger today. It is growing, and it has a new title: "Spicy Little Curses Such As These." Though one commenter assumed I knew where the story was going, I didn't totally. I couldn't figure out why the old lady laid the curse on the child to begin with. The starting point was Sleeping Beauty and the christening curse, so I suppose she was a Malificent figure, but I'm not so interested in villains without motives. I like to explore really difficult choices. Then, last night as I was falling asleep, the Orpheus myth came into my head and it seemed so perfect, since this story was my response to the "music" prompt. That brought on many more ideas and prompted a morning of googling Hindu belief in Hell, which led to the Katha Upanishad and Hindu near-death stories. (this is very interesting: Hindu near-death accounts differ significantly from Christian ones. While in Christian ones there is the going towards the light and being greeted by family members who tell you to go back, it's not your time, in Hindu versions the patients relate being taken forcibly by these kind of underworld thug-bureaucrats to an authority figure, often with a clipboard, who discovers a mistake has been made and sends the person back.) I love Google.

So, as far as the rest of the story goes, I am not going to post it here, but if you would like to read it, email me and I will email it to you when it's finished. I am having so much fun with it, and I'm sort of inspired by the idea of stories that that combine elements from several fairy tales or myths, as in this case, Sleeping Beauty + Orpheus, throw in some India, and what do you have? I don't have time right now to really explore short stories, though. But from time to time I may indulge.


Anonymous said...

I am with you on the naps and blueberries. Although, I just had the worst dish involving blueberries every created. It was on the seasonal menu at the Palace Cafe in New Orleans, and I am ashamed I ordered it. Barbequed blueberry duck. It is time to recommit to vegetarianism.

Claudia said...

We are having a heat wave here too but I must admit - I am loving it! After this dreadful, long winter we had this heat feels the forest near my house blueberries grow wild. Last summer We picked 2 large buckets full and made blueberry shakes, strudel, muffins and pancakes, delicious! I would love to read the short story when it´s finished.

Kim G. said...

Laini - please put me on your list to email the ending of the story.
Thanks! Looking forward to reading it!

Amber said...

Awww! Why not post it here?! But I will be emailing, because I have to know the rest. ;)

And let me tell you about HOT! Yesterday I spent four hours in the direct sun, in 105 degree heat, chasing little wild midgets around at our church summer camp. Holy cow. And I do it agin today! But it is only going to be around 98 today, so... Pft.


M said...

I'd love to hear the ending, you can get me at melissapayne1 at gmail dot com.
I'm so with you on the heat as well!! It's been pretty sweaty up here too. SO bizarre! I'm lucky to be working in an air conditioned office, I think.

Kristy said...

Ahh, but the heat is fantastic for naps. Disrobe, cover yourself with a cool sheet, set a fan across your bed and melt into slumber. You will not be disappointed. You may very well, in fact, find yourself sleeping past 3!

(Oh, and I love me some Google, too.)

Anonymous said...

The only thing better than watermelon is homemade watermelon popsicles. Blend two cups of seedless watermelon with two tablespoons of sugar, then pour into popsicle molds (I got mine at Cost Plus World Market). Too die for!


Anonymous said...

Of COURSE I want to read the ending!

Anonymous said...

But of course, I must read the ending!! My assumption may have been presumptive - but it was based on my unswerving faith in your creative storytelling superpowers!
In fact, right now your superpowers have me craving ice-cold watermelon, followed by a nap!
I can't wait to see the marvelous ending - I love how you took the sleeping beauty tale and mixed it with a spoonful of the Nightengale, and spiced it up with a dash of Rudyard Kipling curry - delicious recipe for a modern fairytale. Exactly what I've been craving - thanks!

andrea said...

Take a look at the photo in my post today...

Alex S said...

I absolutely want to read the completed story and that little slice of watermelon looks almost 3-D and now I need to take my melting self to the market because they have made me crave one. I love those small, round watermelons they have now, like little personal pan pizzas for one! YOur mind is an amazing carousel of ideas that never ever stops spinning and I love these latest ideas you have for stories. And soon you will have a studio just to write them in! (I'm on the prowl for a little surprise to put inside it!)

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! I must know the ending to this story - your super-storytelling powers are amazing and I know it will be worth the wait; but please don't leave us languishing too long. I don't know if I can stand the suspense!
On a completely different tangent - What about a nap mat (like we had in kindergarten!) for your studio?
I must look for a watermelon tomorrow - your superpowers have me craving it now!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in! I must know the ending to this story - your super-storytelling powers are amazing and I know it will be worth the wait; but please don't leave us languishing too long. I don't know if I can stand the suspense!
On a completely different tangent - What about a nap mat (like we had in kindergarten!) for your studio?
I must look for a watermelon tomorrow - your superpowers have me craving it now!

Left-handed Trees... said...

Oh, are you sure you don't want to post the ending here? It is quite a captivating story and who knows how many "lurkers" (such a creepy word for people who really, truly, do nothing but visit to read our shared words posted in a public forum on the Internet--oh, the horror!) may want to read it but just haven't said so. As for the heat, well--this week we've been drowning in rain...I haven't seen the sun since Friday. I'm sure I'll regret it, but you can feel free to send some of that sunlight my way...